20.02.2012 г.

A Physicist in Wall Street


This is a very ineteresting blog for the practical use of R and Rapid Miner for trading.

There are some interesting new updates. However the learning curve is steep, however those instruments are state of the art and are very powerfull.

You can consider some donnation to this site too.

I mean that if you implement this you will have a state of the art free artificial intelligence system. For a commercial system you would need to pay $1495.00 for Neuroshell end of day and $995 for Trading solutions end-of day version.

We even do not mention that the Rapidminer algorithms have the Support Vector Machines that both Neuroshell and Trading Solutions are lacking in their algorithmic arsenal.

This site together with the http://www.neuralmarkettrends.com/ site is an absolute must for the application of RapidMiner for trading.

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