3.11.2011 г.

Greek crisis explained: some dark, very dark humour

This is the most concise explanation of the Greek crisis:

Maybe the problem is much bigger because it is a crisis of trust. I mean that the EU is based on mutual help and solidarity. Most of the landers are European. And a big part of the debt is German government debt exposure, and French private and bank lending. If Greece refuse to pay that means the foundation of the EU is out of balance. The idea of solidarity among European countries.

And Greece does not want to pay because Greek people want their life style back. And that is impossible without spending and borrowing money.

It is a dead end Catch 22.

They are bad because they have spent too much. They can have their life style back only if they can spend more and borrowing money.And most of it there is a big social psychology here.

But they will receive money only if they refuse to spend too much by accepting the deal.

If they bail out they will not pay back but in the same time nobody will give them back money.

In both cases they are f..... (bad).

From European perspective it is dead end too.

-If they do not make a nice deal to Greece, greece will bail out. And will pay nothing at all. And all rules about the euro are a joke, as they are. And Greece could not comply with the rules for the Euro.

And Portugal and Ireland etc. may do the same choice.

-In the same time if they give them way too much haircuts. The other countries will want this too.

And Portugal and Ireland etc. may do the same choice.

The problem is that it is a precent that will be an example in similar cases that concern some other nice countries.

However I think that the analysts are missing one very, very specific point. They do not understand the psychology of the Greeks. Did they know Iliad and how Greeks have conquered Troy. They did that by deceipt. And that is what they are as a whole: warriors that value deceipt.

What they really want is

-total hair cuts;

-new money allowing them to keep the same level of life style;

-and that until the next baloon when everybody will be allowed to borrow anyway.

What can the global community do. Where can we find the missing billions?

Of course.

Kill Kadafi and steal his billions to compensate the Greek losses, that is exactly the amount of money we needed.

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