This is a fact. Most of the people who are trading Forex are not profitable. There is some kind of mantra saying that 90 % actually loose money.
So the question arises why we do trade. Why we keep doing that knowing that there is a big probability that this would be a great loss of efforts, time, self esteem, and money that can eventually lead to disastrous situations.
Is there some psychological reason for which we keep doing that and that reason is completely below the radar?
I think that there is such a reason. I will elaborate more on that later. There are psychological studies (of course not in the domain of finance, but the results are really meaningful ) showing that there is a very strong hidden psychological process that keep traders to trade and trade again. Even if they know that there is 90 % chance of loosing in the long term that does not change anything. I will not reveal exactly right now the mechanism. Let holds a little suspense!
ОтговорИзтриванеThe thought can be extended to many areas of life.
Why are casinos so attractive? Why do people play the lottery, for years?
Hey, by the way, any experience with the Asirikuy website referenced in that link?
Hi Camaron,
ОтговорИзтриванеNo I have not an experience with his site. I just wanted to share the link with his information about the topic. In fact he resumes very well the starting point of all the discussion. This is the starting point. What I am going to tell is somewhat different. It is not politically very correct so that is why this is shared on my own blog.