I have found this list of sources of data for real time feeds of live data. I think it may be useful that is why I share the list here.
Get real-time feed of live data into Excel
Get free historical data into Excel, Matlab or Java
Foreign Exchange, Forex, FX
www.forexite.com (Forex, 1 minute ticks), CSV download
ratedata.gaincapital.com (Forex, tick data), CSV download
www.oanda.com (Forex, daily), CSV download
www.truefx.com (Forex tick data) after login
www.dukascopy.com (Forex, ticks), CSV
Debt/Interest Rates
historical time series
www.euribor-ebf.eu (Interest-Rates: “Euribor, Eonia”), Excel download
www.databank.rbs.com (Exchange Rate, Interest Rate, Consumer Price Inflation (CPI), Commodities: “Brent Spot, Henry Hub Spot, I P E Brent crude futures 1-pos, I P E Natural Gas Index, OPEC Fixing, US EIA Crude Imports, WTI Daily”), Excel download
www.ecb.int Interest-Rates and Government Bonds, web tables and partly Excel download
(German) www.boerse-duesseldorf.de (Bonds, daily), Website table only
(German )www.bundesbank.de German money and interest-rate statistics
(German) www.baadermarkets.de (Bonds)
(German) www.westlbmarkets.net (2012-07-12: Just went offline, hopefully online again soon), Swaps, Caps, Floors, CSV download
Stock / Indices
historical time series
finance.yahoo.com/(Stocks, Indices), Excel download
www.google.com/finance, Website table only
www.nasdaq.com (Nasdaq), Excel download
mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu (portfolio data), text download
(German) finanzen.handelsblatt.com
www.investopedia.com, Website table only
www.nasdaq.com, Website table only, intraday, daily
www.standardandpoors.com (S&P 500, daily, yearly)
finance.yahoo.com (Stocks, Indices)
www.bloomberg.com (Stocks, Indices)
http://www.epexspot.com/de/marktdaten/intraday-handel (German), Website table only
http://www.gdfsuezenergyresources.com/index.php?id=33 CSV download
General Historical
(German) www.onvista.de (Stocks, Indices, Warrants, ETFs …, daily Quotes) Website
www.indexmundi.com World-wide econometric data and commodities
www.measuringworth.com US, UK, Japan, China with interest rates, GDP, inflation, gold and silver prices, cool long term, Website table only
Sites with Summaries
scraperwiki.com (The community collects free data from the web and converts it into CSV, etc.)
wikiposit (The author collects free data from the web and converts it into CSV, etc.)
Matlab Trendy (The community collects free data from the web and converts it into plots)
Economic data
www.indexmundi.com World-wide econometric data
OECD.StatExtracts includes data and metadata for OECD countries and selected non-member economies.
Google Data e.g. Market Capitalization in GDP: Google Data on Marcet Cap in % of GDP
European Union
www.destatis.de Statistisches Bundesamt
United Kingdom
United States
Federal Reserve Economic Data – FRED
www.economagic.com (Web, Excel download after login)
www.standardandpoors.com/indices/sp-case-shiller-home-price-indices (Shiller-House Price Index)
www.data.gov Public data of all US government organizations
Live Cams
www.boerse-frankfurt.de (German Dax)
Buy Data:
(I did not try any of these, but they look interesting.)
www.cmegroup.com (derivative prices)
www.ivolatility.com (Implied volatilities)
commodities.euronext.if5.com (Cocoa Future, Robusta Coffee Future, White Sugar Future), 15 min delay, XML
www.eoddata.com (End-of-Day Stock), Excel download and more
www.historicaloptiondata.com (Option price data)
www.livevol.com (Implied volatilities)