15.08.2012 г.

Performance booster for Metatrader

I was thinking if I can boost the performance of my Metatrader during optimization of trading strategies.

I found an interesting program for boosting PC performance for enhanced gaming experience. So why not.

Look at this screen shot it looks like there is 42 % increased performance after shutting down unnecessary services.

There is a paid program too by avgm that allows to do such kind of things. It looks like a lot can be achieved just by shutting down unnecessary services.

In the shot I just added the metatrader as a game in order to boost the performance when it is launched.

AVG PC tune up versus Game Booster

The game booster is a free software and it boosts the Windows only when the application is launched. When you close the application the Windows gets back to normal, and that is the feature I like.

AVG PC tune up is a paid service.

My friends who tried it recognized a noticeable performance change.